November 26, 2006

About Geoffrey Philp's Blog Spot

My name is Geoffrey Philp, and I am a writer from Jamaica. I started this blog to provide readers with information about my writing and the work of contemporary Caribbean and South Florida writers.

Stories and poems about father-son relationships, Anancy (Anansi), and the effects of the Jamaican/Caribbean diaspora have always appealed to me and are the major themes that I've explored in my books--some of which are used as textbooks in many schools, colleges, and universities.

I am available for "Meet the Author" readings/lectures and creative writing workshops where I focus on the craft of writing short stories and poems.

If you'd like to contact me, here's my e-mail address: geoffreyphilp101 [at]

The Abbreviated Bio

Geoffrey Philp, an author from Jamaica, has written two children's books, Marcus and the Amazons, and Grandpa Sydney's Anancy Stories; two collections of short stories, Uncle Obadiah and the Alien and Who's Your Daddy?; a novel, Benjamin, my son, and five poetry collections, Exodus and Other Poems, Florida Bound, Hurricane Center, Xango Music and Dub Wise. A graduate of the University of Miami, where he earned a Master of Arts in English, Philp teaches creative writing at Miami Dade College. He posts interviews, fiction, poetry, podcasts, and literary events from the Caribbean and South Florida on his blog:

The Long Story

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and I attended Mona Primary and Jamaica College, where I studied literature under the tutelage of Dennis Scott. When I left Jamaica in 1979, I went to Miami Dade College and after graduating, I studied Caribbean, African and African-American literature with Dr. O.R. Dathorne and creative writing with Lester Goran, Evelyn Wilde Mayerson, and Isaac Bashevis Singer. Since then, I have attended workshops with Derek Walcott , Edward Albee, and Israeli playwright, Matti Meged. As a James Michener Fellow at the University of Miami, I studied poetry under Kamau Brathwaite and fiction with George Lamming.

In 1990, I published my first book of poems, Exodus and Other Poems, and four other poetry collections have followed: Florida Bound (1985), hurricane center (1998), xango music (2001), and Twelve Poems and A Story for Christmas (2005). I have also written a book of short stories, Uncle Obadiah and the Alien (1997), and a novel, Benjamin, My Son, which was nominated for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Prize. I've also written two children's books, Grandpa Sydney's Anancy Stories and Marcus and the Amazons.

My poems and short stories have appeared in Small Axe, Asili, The Caribbean Writer, Gulf Stream, Florida in Poetry: A History of the Imagination, Wheel and Come Again: An Anthology of Reggae Poetry, Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root, The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories, and The Oxford Book of Caribbean Verse.

Follow me on Twitter @ geoffreyphilp

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Anonymous said...

You can't see it, but my right hand is sporting a thumbs up sign (good that I can type with one hand).

This blog is one of the most informative on its subject of choice, and is one of the most informative, full-stop. So, naturally, I thank you, and do hope there is much more to come.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Give thanks, Rethabile!
What happened? Were you injured playing soccer?

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I would like to discover your poetry.
Where can I read your text on the web?

Denis Heudre

Geoffrey Philp said...

Dear Denis Heudre,

Greetings & Welcome!

Here are a few poems that have been compiled by my friend, Rethabile Masilo:

Geoffrey Philp's Poetry on the Web


LYNN said...

My name is Lynn and m a third year student studying literature and one of my courses is Caribbean Lit. I have an assignment on one of your short stories "My Brother's Keeper" and I was wondering if you can share what issues you were trying to address and what exactly was going through your mind.I would appreciate your help.
Thank YOU, Lynn

Geoffrey Philp said...

Dear Lynn,


Lynn, I'll post the answers tomorrow (6/23/08) on the site: Reader Question: "My Bother's Keeper."

Caroline Gill said...

I have enjoyed your blog. greetings from Dylan Thomas country ... Wales, UK!

Geoffrey Philp said...

Greetings Coastcard !

Thanks for stopping by and especially since this is from Dylan Thomas country ...the home of one of my favorite poets:
"And nightly under the simple stars
As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away..."


Casey Something said...

What a lovely blog you have here, Geoffrey. I'm so glad you shared it with me.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Casey, thanks for dropping by.


Jean said...

Dear Geoffrey

This is a generous and brilliant blog. I am proud of my fellow Jamaican - large abroad!

Jean Lowrie-Chin

Geoffrey Philp said...

Thank you and Welcome, Ms. Lowrie-Chin.

I am a big fan of your column and I'm looking forward to reading your book.


Softlize Hotstuff said...

your blog is very nice.. I like it.. :)

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

I'm a Guyanese writer. I just saw your site mentioned on Caribbean Literary Salon and came over to say Hi. I've never seen a blog design like this one, especially on a Blogger platform.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Anne, I'm using the Dynamic views template. Thanks for stopping by.


Visiting Jomalig Island | JomaligBlog said...

Hi There,

I just let you know I enjoyed reading your blog about bob marley, The every song has a meaning, I am big fan of Marley's since i was 15. It's been 8 years now. I'll always check your blog here in blogspot and i would like to add you to my list of friends. Thanks very much and See you around!

Real Music Lover (Jupiter Gallo)

Geoffrey Philp said...

Give thanks, Jupiter.

One Love,