April 29, 2006

Re-Found Tobias Buckell's Blog

I've been laying off the blogging on Saturdays (down to MWF--like being in school all over again) to pay attention to other things, like LIFE. But I re-found a great blog via Global Voices by Tobias Buckell. Global Voices was quite generous in mentioning my books and my blog, and so was Nalo. Give thanks, sis.

For all the writers who want to find out about writing and advances for novels, check out Tobias' blog about novel advances and writing @ : http://www.tobiasbuckell.com/wordpress/?p=1695and while you're at it, buy Crystal Rain, his new book.


Nalo said...

Any time!

Geoffrey Philp said...

yeah, a computer crash is a terrible thing.
I lost his blog the last time I crashed (another one this week)--too many people and one computer--so when I found him again, it was great.