Over the Christmas holiday, this blog will celebrate its fourth anniversary. It’s been an interesting journey and one that has had many twists and turns I would never have anticipated when I wrote my first post: Why Do I Continue to Write?
Since then, the blog has become a means of sharing my discoveries in the virtual, material, and literary worlds. And though not stated explicitly, it is also a collective repository of knowledge about writing that many published writers from South Florida and the Caribbean are sharing with readers of this blog. I want to convince younger writers that although the Caribbean literary tradition is less than 100 years old that their experience, their voice is the source of their creative power and to give them examples of published writers who are acting on that faith--call it virtual mentoring for younger writers to figure out the "how" of writing.
Next year promises to be filled with all kinds of new experiences. I’m looking forward to the publication of a new book of poems, Dub Wise, of which I am very proud. Dub Wise brings together all that I have learned from thirty years of reading, writing, brothering, fathering, sonning, husbanding, loving, and listening to reggae.
Since then, the blog has become a means of sharing my discoveries in the virtual, material, and literary worlds. And though not stated explicitly, it is also a collective repository of knowledge about writing that many published writers from South Florida and the Caribbean are sharing with readers of this blog. I want to convince younger writers that although the Caribbean literary tradition is less than 100 years old that their experience, their voice is the source of their creative power and to give them examples of published writers who are acting on that faith--call it virtual mentoring for younger writers to figure out the "how" of writing.
Next year promises to be filled with all kinds of new experiences. I’m looking forward to the publication of a new book of poems, Dub Wise, of which I am very proud. Dub Wise brings together all that I have learned from thirty years of reading, writing, brothering, fathering, sonning, husbanding, loving, and listening to reggae.
Some of the poems in Dub Wise were first published on this blog and others were published at Poefrika, Black Looks, Asili, peony moon, tongues of the ocean, The Caribbean Writer, Ocho #26, and with prompts from Read Write Poem.
During the new year, I also plan to finish editing a new short story, “Bob Marley and Bradford’s iPod,” and as follow-up to Grandpa Sydney's Anancy Stories, a new children’s book, Anancy’s Christmas Gift.
I'll be back on January 11, 2009, but look out for a guest post over by Dave Lucas on December 21, 2009. In the meantime, why not rummage through the archives? I'm sure you'll find something useful.
Have a great holiday and cherish the holidays with your loved ones.