About six years ago, Adrian Castro and I were invited by The Trust for Public Lands to work with some children from Overtown on a mural and several poems for ”signage along the Overtown Greenway, a pedestrian corridor that will connect Overtown with Biscayne Bay and the Miami River." These were some of the kids with whom we worked and it was a pleasure to work with them. In my work as a poet working with children, this is one of my proudest moments.
Professor Zero was tagged for this teaching meme by Lumpenprofessoriat and these are the rules:
Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.
Give your picture a short title.
Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt.”
Link back to this blog entry.
So, for all the teachers out there, if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!
I like that. Creativity is important for young people. It's also very important for the adults in their lives to acknowledge their gifts.
HI! I see you! I like the next post on teaching too ... the one just above (written just after) ... !!!
Dear Stephen and Professor Zero...thanks for stopping by.One of the great tragedies of overcrowded public school is that students are not allowed to express their creativity and so schools become holding houses.
I was really thankful to the trust for Public Lands who gave these kids an outlet to express themselves. I will never forget those three weeks.
Wonderful post and great photo.
I have written my own Passion Quilt Meme and linked back to your post.
Thanks, Fearless. I'll pop over to your site.
New Post connecting to your Passion Quilt Meme.
I hope you approve.
Fearless, I have seen your work and I know you do good.
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