March 14, 2007

I am Pi

I am Pi

I am Pi truncated by forty-nine decimal points


For the past three days, I’ve been on vacation (I hadn’t taken one in three years), and I’ve fallen back into the old rhythm of writing that I’d practiced when I taught five, six, sometimes seven classes at Miami Dade College. I’d get up in the morning, shower, help my wife to fix breakfast for the kids, drive our eldest child to elementary school, and then come home at around nine and write until about noon.

I’d then take a walk around the neighborhood, come back home, pick up the kids from school, fix dinner, wait with the kids until my wife came home, and then go to the college where I’d grade papers, meet with my students, and teach until about nine o’clock. On the drive home, I’d think about what my characters would be doing, what the next poem would be about, would I be able to pay the light bill, afford braces for the kids, or did my wife still love me? I’d come home, shower, watch Johnny Carson with my wife, fall asleep, and begin the day all over again.

I did this for many years and experienced this rhythm most acutely during the year when I was writing hurricane center, which was a response to Derek Walcott’s Midsummer. In order to write hurricane center, I set myself the task of writing at least one poem per week for I was trying to mimic the yearly cycle of those who have chosen to live in the direct path of hurricanes. You see, hurricanes have always fascinated me, and what better place to live than in South Florida where the responses to hurricanes range from fear to morbid curiosity? The hurricane was not only a physical threat, but also became a symbol of the existential crisis that Camus (my favorite philosopher) described in The Myth of Sisyphus.

Those were the good old days. And all things grow and change.

As the family and I grew older and more responsibilities came, the old rhythms were disrupted. I adapted to them, including the most recent—being a chairperson of a department. I’ve had to use a whole new range of skills and discover ways of dealing with colleagues in a unionized environment where roles are delineated by a contract, but the day-to-day tasks rely on human trust and motivations which are not mentioned in the contract.

I had to create a new rhythm that would take into account my family, my creative life, and my role as a supervisor in a department of over 2,500 students and seventy employees.

In many ways, blogging has helped me to find this new rhythm. But sometimes I wonder, how long will this last? Will I be able to adapt to Web 3.0 and all the other changes that are bound to come? Who knows? The task at hand is to find meaning in pushing these words across the page. Some days it’s difficult and some days it’s exhilarating. But writing can't be done while waiting for applause. I’ve learned that the hard way.

And what’s left at the end of the day? Perhaps a good meal with my wife and family, sipping a glass of wine, watching Jeopardy with my wife while the kids watch anime, listen to God Smack, or rail about Dick Cheney, and finally falling asleep on the sofa.

Ah, glorious day!



Stephen A. Bess said...

I enjoyed reading this. This was nice. Life is so strange and wonderful. It makes me think of my daily routine and my life as a family man. It's all so new to me. I wonder what I will say about it all 10 years from now?

How are you my friend? It starting to get a little warm here. I know that is old news for you. Peace~

Geoffrey Philp said...

Stephen, thanks for the comment.
Life is indeed strange and wonderful.
The routines and rituals that fill our days are also a source of mystery to me.
It's warm and the mockingbirds are singing.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!!!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday! :)

Geoffrey Philp said...

Yeah, I turned 49!!!

Anonymous said...

Hell you're 49! Glad to see that you take your writing so seriously. Kinda like me and my blogging.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Give thanks, Leon!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! And: great post. Web 3.0., it will be easy! Just remember, writing is like walking - you know that better than I do.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Professor Zero, Give thanks for the comment. Yeah, sometimes I get ahead of myself and that's when I lose myself.

One Love,

Unknown said...

Well, happy birthday. A very coy title.

And a lovely, lovely post. I love those rhythms--and how they come and go, too.

I thought of you whilst in Florida last week. We were in a kind of vacation hell of Marco Island (not to be unkind to a very generous mother-in-law, but...) but we had a great day driving around the everglades with the children in the back. The baby slept and the 4 y.o. saw birds, alligators, and rode and airboat with her daddy.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Dear Anne,
Yes, those family trips in the everglades can be so wonderful! I can feel a post coming on about one such trip we took long, long, ago. Thank you for reminding me.
