March 22, 2025

New on TikTok: Department of Education The current president just signed an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education. But if we are going to be honest, the schools weren’t teaching our history anyway. So what do we do? We adapt. We build. We teach. Now is the time to be flexible. Expand our weekend and after-school programs. Open our schools on Saturdays. Use community centers, churches, front porches—whatever it takes. When I lived in Jamaica, our teacher Mrs. Pennycooke, held classes under a mango tree until they finished the last renovations on our classrooms Marcus Garvey said: 'A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.' And this system? It cut the roots on purpose. But we’ve got people teaching the truth right now—on this very platform. @theselflovedoc @ashleytheebarroness @thekeeperofthejewels @professorkenyatta They’re showing us how to educate our children about Garvey, Black excellence, and our global legacy. We don’t need to wait on federal permission. We’ve got scholars, storytellers, and soul workers doing the work right now. So let’s move. Let’s teach the history our children should’ve been learning all along—Garvey, Amy Jacques, Malcolm, Fannie Lou Hamer and many women and men I have been covering on this app They’re dismantling systems. We’re building legacies. The time is now. #ExecutiveOrder #DepartmentOfEducation #MarcusGarvey #MyNameIsMarcus #blackhistorymonth2025✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 #jamaicatiktok #jamaicantiktok🇯🇲viral #jamaicantiktoker🇯🇲🇯🇲 @aprilhamilton976 @black.history.x @roots_rg @bobmarleyontop @panafrican4life @netflix @freedomschoolonline @themarcusgarveyin @mgcc_22 @bluebanyanbooks @blackhistorysagas @newafricangh @aisletellyouwhat

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