for The Hangman’s Game.
A young Guyanese woman sets out to write an historical novel based on the 1823 Demerara Slave Rebellion and the fate of an English missionary who is condemned to hang for his alleged part in the uprising, but who dies in prison before his execution. She has wanted to document historical fact through fiction, but the characters she invents make an altogether messier intrusion into her life with their conflicting interests and ambivalent motivations. As an African-Guyanese in a country where a Black ruling elite oppresses the population, she begins to wonder what lay behind her ‘ancestral enslavement’, why fellow Africans had ‘exchanged silver for the likes of me’. As a committed Christian she also wonders why God has allowed slavery to happen. Beset by her unruly characters and these questions, the novel is stymied. In an attempt to unblock it she decides that she should take up a family contact to spend some time in Nigeria, to experience her African origins at first hand...
Karen King-Aribisala has written a densely layered, challengingly ambitious work of fiction. There is the actual historical novel, the thoughts of the fictive writer about it, the drama of the narrator’s life in Nigeria and the seepage between the different worlds. As such The Hangman’s Game has much to say about the Guyanese past and present, and the nature of postcolonial power in both Africa and the Caribbean. And if The Hangman’s Game is provocatively post-modern in its self-reflexivity on the nature of both historical and fictional writing, its ideas are dramatically communicated through action in a novel that is rich in tension, dark humour and complex, strikingly drawn characters.
"Studiously plotted, wondrously told, The Hangman’s Game is a tale by a narrator who has mastered the ropes."~ Niyi Osundare
The Hangman’s Game
Peepal Tree Press, Leeds.
Published: 03 September 2007
ISBN: 9781845230463
Price: £8.99

Karen King-Aribisala was born in Guyana. She has travelled widely, having been educated in Guyana, Barbados, Italy, Nigeria and England. She is now living and working in Nigeria where she is Professor of English in the department of English, University of Lagos, Nigeria. She is a writer of non-fiction and fiction and regarding the latter she has published several short stories and poems in various journals such as Wasafiri, Presence Africaine, The Griot and Bim. Her first collection of short stories, Our Wife and Other Stories, won the Best First Book Prize in the Commonwealth Prize (African Region) 1990/91. Her second work, Kicking Tongues, is a blending of poetry and prose, in which she transposes Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales to modern-day Nigeria. She is the recipient of a number of awards such as two James Michener Fellowships for creative writing at the University of Miami, a Ford Foundation Grant and British Council grants.
will definetly check for this, thanks.
I'm going to put this on my list of books to pick up. I understand her quest for her ancestral identity. Thanks to research done on Paul Robeson, who is a paternal cousin of my grandmother, I know that I am descended (paternally) from Ibo. I remember when I first told some Ibo friends this fact, they seemed both delighted and sad. They know the history, but it often painful to discuss it. Thanks, Geoffrey.
Dear Stephen & JDID,
Karen is definitely a gifted writer and her story bridges untold stories of the Diaspora.
Stephen, Paul Robeson is a paternal cousin of your grandmother?
Bless up,
that sounds excellent, I'll look out for it
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