Peepal Tree Press is the home of challenging and inspiring literature from the Caribbean and Black Britain. They have been publishing fiction, poetry, literary criticism, memoirs, and historical studies since 1985.
SABLE is a 132 black and white international LitMag, that has been published in the UK since 2000. It features work from emerging new writers and established writers.
Our next public appearance will be at the AWP Bookfair at the New York Hilton from 30 Jan- 2 Feb 2008. The bookfair is open to the public on 2 February from 8.30am-5.00pm at Americas 1, Booths B74/75 where we look forward to meeting you!
Kadija Sesay, Dorothea Smartt, Koye Oyedeji, and Jeremy Poynting, publisher of Peepal Tree Press will be available to chat to you about SABLE and Peepal Tree Press throughout the bookfair.
Hilton New York (midtown)
1335 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Telephone: 212-586-7000
3rd Floor, Americas 1, Booths B74/75
SABLE will have T-shirts and posters available and special offer subscriptions for institutions and individuals. Purchase a subscription at AWP and get a free copy of Cotton Field of Dreams by Janis Kearney, (featured on the Essence Bestseller List, 2005).
Kwame Dawes, Associate Poetry Editor, Peepal Tree Press, will be signing his books at the Peepal Tree Press Bookstand at 3pm Thursday 31st Jan, Booths B74/75 America's Hall 1, 3rd Floor.
Dorothea Smartt , SABLE Poetry Editor will be reading from her latest book Samboo's Grave/Bilal's Grave (Peepal Tree Press) at the
Pan PALF Reading
in support of its Inaugural Writer's Conference: GHANA'08
Yusef Komunyakaa
Quincy Troupe
Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi
The New School
Wollman Hall
65 W. 11th Street
Fifth Floor
Wednesday, January 30th
6:30 p.m.
Pan African Literary Forum. A literary study abroad programme.
A programme with an edge.
Tickets available at New School box office, 66W. 12th St.
$5 general public, free to New School students and alumni.
www. panafricanliteraryforum .org
"On my first trip to the Modern I turned a corner,
rooted before the ridged linen of a Cèzanne.
A still life. I thought how clean his brushes were!
Across that distance light was my first lesson."
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