December 29, 2013

Marcus Garvey: Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa)

The symbol at the top of the page shows the symbol of Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): "To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together." 

Marcus was a firm believer in cooperative economics and entrepreneurship. After reading Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington, he founded the UNIA-ACL . One of the goals of the UNIA-ACL was economic development and Marcus followed through with the founding of factories to build Black dolls, cooperative grocery stores, restaurants, steam laundries, businesses producing men’s and women’s clothes and hats and a publishing business. As Marcus would write in The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey: “Now is the chance for every Negro to make every effort toward a commercial, industrial standard that will make us comparable with the successful business men of other races.”

Writing Exercise

Entrepreneurship can come in many forms. Whether it’s coming up with a new idea or business, Marcus believed that Black people should control the means of production. He also believed that we should support local community businesses.

Write a paragraph about your plans to become a business person or how you and your family support local businesses.


The Coalition for the Exoneration of Marcus Garvey is petitioning Senator Bill Nelson, Representative Frederica Wilson, and the Congress of the United States of America for the exoneration of Marcus Garvey:

We are also petitioning President Barack Obama to exonerate Marcus Garvey:

Thank you for your support.

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