July 16, 2013

After the Verdict (For Trayvon)

My son, please don't go out tonight.
There are monsters out there stalking the earth.
Not the ones in fairy tales I'd read to you since your birth
with heroes who protect and defend what is right,
these monsters won't stop until they're sure of your death.

My son, please don't go out tonight.
I wouldn't be scared if you were white.
For the stories I told you weren't exactly the truth,
They never really answered, "What are Black lives worth?"
My son, please don't go out tonight.


The Coalition for the Exoneration of Marcus Garvey is petitioning Senator Bill Nelson, Representative Frederica Wilson, and the Congress of the United States of America for the exoneration of Marcus Garvey:


We are also petitioning President Barack Obama to exonerate Marcus Garvey:

Thank you for your support.

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