and blessed be the morning
star in the arms of gumbo limbo
blessed be the sun on the
cruciform wings of anhingas
blessed be the wind where
ospreys and black vultures ride
blessed be zebra butterflies
on crowns of tamarind
blessed be lightning on the
spires of royal palms.
blessed be wildfires that
temper berries of the green hawthorn
blessed be hurricanes that
tear at the bark of tallowwood and bay-cedars
blessed be bracken and wild
olives huddled by salt marshes
blessed be august heat that
rasps the throat of morning glories
blessed be panthers and deer
hiding behind a screen of leatherwood
blessed be brown pelicans
grunting in mangroves after thunderstorms
blessed be the evening star
over aisles of magnolias
blessed be barred owls
cooing by swamps and hardwood hammocks
blessed be june beetles dusting
pollen off their backs in the damp air
blessed be woodstorks and
spoonbills wading through resurrection ferns
blessed be chanterelles,
their yellow plumes rising from oak and pine
blessed be the moon ripening
with pond apples on the banks of canals
blessed be dew and mist, fog
and hail, falling on blades of sugar
blessed be loggerhead turtles lumbering past the thorns
of anemones
blessed be, blessed be all
that move, live, and breathe on the edge of these lakes
blessed be, blessed be...
Geoffrey Philp
Excerpt from xango music: