February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Poem: "I Burn for What my Heart Desires"

After reading Kristen McHenry’s post, “obscure poets: ‘the only way out is through’: the life and poems of akka mahadevi,” I was intrigued by the poem, “Show Me Your Way Out,” and the line: “I burn/desiring what the heart desires,” so I decided to write my variation on “Show Me Your Way Out":

I burn for what my heart desires

The warmth of her flesh lays claim,

Renews what's left of my broken frame.

How do I put out a world on fire,

Hate my joys out of fear and shame?

I burn for what my heart desires

Her laughter has proved me a liar.

I surrender to her lips that call my name

To a bed that sets our bodies aflame.

I burn for what my heart desires.


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Katie Bell said...

I found your blog very entertaining. At our company, we are planning to throw a Valentine's day party this Friday, though we are a little late but hope to have a nice get together for our staff as well as share holders. I am checking sites for some out-of-the-box ideas. Any suggestions...?
Thank you!

Geoffrey Philp said...

Dear Katie,

Sorry, I can't help you. Most of my creativity is limited to writing poems, fiction, and blog posts.
